10 Things that Happen When You Take a Break From Alcohol

how to take a break from drinking

Like the trajectory of your life gets darker, the longer you go in one direction or another if it’s just in terms of health and relationships and what you’re able to accomplish and your overall happiness, you know, yeah. Yeah, start anywhere, you got to just get started, you have to get started, nothing changes, if nothing changes, right? It’s so interesting to when people reach out about getting sober.

You fall in love with mornings

And that, to me is more of these kind of like, underlying problems? You know, and it’s interesting, because a lot of times people kind of, like, shy away from the word problem, because it’s like, oh, God, I don’t want to have like a problem with alcohol. But what I really mean is, again, like, what is that thing that it’s helping you solve? And so it might be anxiety, it might be boredom, it might be not knowing.

Some Practical Tips for Getting Through a Month With No Alcohol

how to take a break from drinking

Like, you know, where am I going to actually fit it into my schedule type of thing. So of course, it’s like, well, if those are my choices, and I want a pleasurable life, I guess I’m gonna choose the wine, right? Or I guess I’m gonna choose the Ben and Jerry’s. And, you know, very quickly, I could see, oh, yeah, there was this connection to having a lot of social anxiety in social situations and feeling like, I have no idea how to deal with this social anxiety. But if I fill up this, like, red solo cup with some like, you know, terrible, kind of Hawaiian Punch, and green alcohol, or whatever they were serving at, you know, frat parties, like, oh, my anxiety seems to abate a little bit.

Take note of your mental health

And then the other thing also is not remembering the end of shows or conversations. That was big for me, like my husband would always be like, we talked alcoholism symptoms about this. And I was like, I literally had zero imprint on my brain. I didn’t know whether he was messing with me, or whether he was honestly telling me that we talked, I honestly could not remember, and I would watch shows and have to watch them a second time. So that also is, is, you know, sort of a big sign. Yeah, yeah, and of course, alcohol sub source energy and our motivation.

how to take a break from drinking

Taking a break from alcohol and fried food can help. But once you’ve done so (and you’ve established that you don’t have any significant long-term liver damage), it’s best to simply eat a balanced diet, and consume only moderate amounts of alcohol if you drink. The general definition of moderate drinking is up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 per day for men. Sticking to these limits, or not drinking at all, is how to take a break from drinking generally your best bet. The irony of alcohol is that we often drink to feel relaxed, to tamp down anxiety.

  • You’re gonna get on so well with her.
  • The other thing that I would say in terms that sort of goes along with no off switch is the idea of always having one eye on the booze or on the bottle.
  • And it’s why I talk to people like, can we just strip all of the story away?

Coffee in the Afternoon

how to take a break from drinking

I used to tell this to myself a lot as if one day in school, they were handing out off switches and I missed that day or I missed learning how to operate mine, but this was something I really kind of believed. I just thought I don’t know and other people seemed to know when to call it quits and a lot of times I desire just feels kind of insatiable. It’s just–it’s voracious, right, and my off switch just isn’t functioning properly. So, I know that a lot of people can relate to that. In today’s episode, I explain the 4 key pieces to my approach to taking a break from drinking, starting with how the story of alcohol is enmeshed in our opinion of ourselves whether we decide to imbibe or not. Alcohol has a reputation as the recipe for a good time, a surefire way to unwind, a way to take the edge off, and a way to make you more talkative.

  • You know, it’s not like it’s not like a social thing, or I don’t have anxiety.
  • This article is part of a content partnership with our friends at Tempest, the first evidence-based digital recovery platform.
  • And the benefits of sobriety might be years, not months, down the road.
  • Or on a particularly stressful Tuesday.

Ep #280: How to Create a New Mindset About Drinking

And what I find is that when you do that, it doesn’t feel very believable, right? And so you feel like you’re kind of guessing yourself. And so a lot of times where I have people start, sometimes it’s it’s as simple as like, oh, every time I tell myself, right, that this is going to help make things easier. Or I’m teaching my brain that I need a drink.

Why Counting Drinks Can Backfire

Were you expecting Dry January to be more fun? Listen in to find out how to infuse more fun into your break from drinking. If you’re ready to change your relationship with drinking, you need to ask yourself this one important question. Scare tactics aren’t always the best way to change your relationship with drinking. Find out what else you can do to create change. If you doubt your ability to change your relationship with alcohol, the one simple tactic shared in this episode will help.

But I really do believe and I found for myself and for so many other people that I work with that so often behind all of that or underneath that is the attempt to feel better. There https://ecosoberhouse.com/ is nothing more universal in the human condition than our desire to feel good, and when you think about it, everything we do in life is an attempt to feel better. Oh, this was a favorite one of mine that really usually never worked. This was always the million dollar question for me. You won’t be surprised to know that I got into this work because of my own challenges and struggles with alcohol myself and so figuring out how I could do this?

What many people don’t realize is that alcohol produces a toxic effect on the body. As it breaks down, a by-product called acetaldehyde is produced. “The liver gets rid of acetaldehyde pretty fast, but it is toxic and it damages the liver over time,” White says. Over time, it’s a driver of inflammation — and in heavy drinkers — sets the stage for cirrhosis.

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